Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for Success

Vision Board

This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen
I decided to chose these pictures because I want to go to the navy out of high school. One reason why I want go is because I want to serve for the country and travel the world. I also put a family picture because I want a big family once I grow up and settle down to have kids. I adore kids so much so much I want a big family with pets.


  1. I like the way you laid out all the pictures. It looks very neat and nice. You also made you future very descriptive. Good Job.

  2. I think that this vision board is really nice. It shows a clear picture of the future you planned. I also think that your ambition to serve the country is really amazing. Nice!

  3. I like all the colors you used in your vision board. It looks very nice with the buildings in the background. It's very cool that you want to go to the navy.
